Thursday, January 29, 2015

So today is Friday, my last day in the Mayor's office

Over the past couple of days Ive had the opportunity to speak to over 1200 high schoolers about critically important disaster preparedness issues.  I am so happy to have had this opportunity!  Truly, knowledge is power, but like I told the audience... it isn't power in and of itself..   knowledge is only powerful it if is applied.

Every school we visited was so welcoming... once, we delivered the 3 hour presentation to children seated in the pouring rain. . Umbrella's over their heads, they sat attentively and listened.. with apparent interest, to what we were trying to say...   Once, we spoke before an audience of over 800!  We, the speakers spoke a variety of languages, Bicol, Tagalog and English.  The audience danced between each language with ease - I still find it amazing, this ability to jump from language to language to language!

A new group of friends and I gathered last night - we ate wild duck and native chicken with rice.  I was informed that I should be prepared next Monday for a short speech to be delivered to the workers of LGU Lagonoy at the weekly Monday flag ceremony.  I figured this was in the works, but I will need to take time to craft an appropriate departure message to my counterparts.  Then, Ive been told there will be a party to follow... I figured that was in the works as well.  And then of course there is tomorrow... big party at the radio station!  Whether or not we will be going live over the airwaves is still in question... but the show will go on no matter!

I did hear some sad news yesterday... one of my first friends here in the office is soon to become a single mother.  Her boyfriend has no job and apparently no desire for marriage.  I noticed that she seemed distraught lately, but I didnt want to ask what was the matter... Now, she has stopped coming to work at all.  It makes me sad because she is so young... with such potential!  My heart goes out to her, and her parents, who are apparently not happy about the news.  I find this happens all to often here... young girls becoming pregnant and then withdrawing to their barangay to raise children... alone, or to be more precise, with the help of their mothers.  Of course, it is a story I saw during my last PC service as well... it is the story of poverty and it is a woman's story and it is known all to well, Im sorry to say.

Anyway... 5 more sleeps until I travel away from Lagonoy onto my next adventure.  Of course, I am sad.  Friends are wishing me farewell and asking when I will be returning - because surely I must return!

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