Tuesday, January 6, 2015

drinks at sunset - parting ways with el Nido

las Cabanas was a wonderful destination and the perfect place to both watch a sunset and also conclude my el Nido experience.  Located at the far end of a remote beach, the only thing out there is a resort and beachfront bar.  There were a lot of 'rich and famous' sort of people here.  It reminded me a lot of Shirley Heights in Antigua, sans the music and height.  Amazing photo opportunities everywhere.

Sadly, I have very few photos.  Somewhere toward the end of the sunset, I realized that my camera batteries were dying.  I had been taking picture after picture... with no battery!   All is not lost however... I did give Anneleu my email address and once they get back to Paris, she promised to email me.  I know they took a ton of pics as well..... so I'll just use theirs !

I did manage to get a couple shots, here is the best of the lot

Somehow, I got to talking with the owner of the resort.  Im not sure if he was american, but his english was spot on.  Anyway, he described his resort as a sort of commune in that, everyone who works at the resort also lives at the resort - so, they've formed really close ties to each other. - like family  You got that vibe just hanging around.  I mean this resort is really down the beach!  So, it was a very cool spot.  I ordered a banana mango rum and the guy throws three mangos, two bananas, ice and a boatload of rum in a mixer... nothing to it!  

It was here that I parted ways with Damion and his crew of two.  They were off to Leyte (North of Manila) in a few days to visit the beautiful terraced rice pattys there.  I departed before them because I had packing to do, was rising early and didnt want to drink too much.  So, it was back to el Nido.  I had dinner in town, then crashed. The next day would be a long one... long bus back to Puerto, plane to Manila, taxi to Pension....  Little did I know how long it would turn out to be!

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