Sunday, January 25, 2015

and now, the end is near!

On the home front,  I've begun the process of purging things I have accumulated for no good reason over the past 6 months.  Miscellaneous paper, magazines, ticket stubs, food, simple electronics I will never need again....  I have a good sense that I will be leaving with less that I brought.  For one thing, I'm starting to get requests from friends, "before you leave, will you please give me your _________."  And, as you might well imagine, I have grown especially tired of the limited wardrobe I brought with me!  I will take what I need for Thailand and either toss the rest, or give it all to Choy.  In fact, Choy is going to be a big winner in my departure..... I've just got a feeling about this!

On another front, I have some unfortunate news to report:  The radio station has been off the air for the last week or so.  That meant no "family hour" this past Saturday over the airwaves!  Apparently, an important piece of equipment blew up and arrangements are still being made to finance a replacement.  Hopefully, there will be one last program, because I am ready to sing the big one.... the videoke GIANT!!!  I'm going to do it... Im going to sing Frank's, "My Way"!  I've been practicing...

Of course, the lack of radio did not stop the barkada from forming last Saturday.  All I can literally report is that too much ginebra was consumed, and by all accounts, the team was sidelined on Sunday to nurse wounds!  Somewhere during the fracas, I remember singing "Puff the Magic Dragon" (dear god!)...  Also, I woke up with a hair cut... still not sure how that happened!

Here is something interesting: Essentially I haven't looked in a mirror in 6 months.  In an odd way, that is a rather liberating feeling!  That said, I hope the haircut turned out ok!

This week promises to be busy from a work standpoint. Of course, there is an endless stream of Peace Corps COS (Close of Service) paperwork to begin and then, we decided just last week on one final mission.  On Wednesday and Thursday, we will travel to the Eastern Barangay's to deliver a Climate Change and Disaster Preparedness presentation to 4 local High Schools.  We are estimating each presentation to last about 3 hours.  Since I will have the bulk of that time for myself (Carlos and the Local Fire Marshall are also on the docket) I am busily working on material to both hand out and present.

I've been told that Friday will be a "day of rest" (?)  I am also told that under no circumstances will it be permissible for me to leave Lagonoy Monday night and that the earliest I will be able to leave is Tuesday morning....  something about "painting the town"....

Gotta love this place!

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