Thursday, January 15, 2015

it's sort of like the Super Bowl... but bigger

So, in case you weren't aware, the Pope is visiting the Philippines this week.  It is impossible to express just what a HUGE thing this is for the country.  Preparations have been underway for well over a year and the time has finally arrived.  Coverage on the TV is constant.  Signs on the street announce "Thank you Pope Francis for visiting the Philippines!"  You can even buy a Pope Francis t-shirt if you want (I "heart" Pope Francis!).  Pope Francis figurines... Pope Francis bumper stickers...

Manila is filled to the absolute gills with masses of people waiting to get a glimpse of the man.  People everywhere are talking about the Pope's visit.  Get the picture?  This is a huge flippin' event!

And although it might be considered heresy to some, I will state that in my opinion.... the Pope's visit is even a bigger event than the Manny Pacquiao vs. Floyd Maryweather boxing event being planned for later this year  (if you don't live in the Philippines, you probably don't get that joke!)

Yeah, this visit... its a pretty big deal here!

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