Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Imagine this: Plans Change!

ok.. sorry… another station break here… does anyone else see the irony in providence granting me the friendship of three wonderful frenchpersons on the same day that I would commit to reading arguably the finest work of french fiction ever to be written?  Just checking, because, if you are paying attention, sometimes life can just blow you away!

Speaking of being blown away… about my plans for travel to Manila…So, I get back to the airport… sit another two hours and am unfortunate enough to hear the following announcement:

“Cebu Pacific regrets to inform all passengers on flight SJ168 to Manila:  This flight has been canceled due to inclement weather.”  Hello?? Did I just hear that??  The skies had been clear all day!!!  Well, I can tell you, I grabbed my stuff and ran to the counter knowing that there were going to be over a hundred really upset people behind me in line!   

Then the following:  “We regret to inform all passengers on all flights to Manila that all flights to Manila have been cancelled for this evening.  Please proceed to your ticket counter for further booking information.”

In how many ways was this really unpleasant news?  Ok… lets explore that, shall we?
  1. I had no place to stay in Palawan and with upwards of 400 people looking for a room, things were going to get pretty dicey very quickly.
  2. This was going to incur an expense I hadn't considered in my planning and with the inability to use a credit card in most locations, my options were limited.
  3. I had no reason to WANT to stay in Puerto any longer
  4. The whole thing surely represented additional delays and aggravations and,
  5. I was exhausted
I could go on, but suffice to say… it was not welcome information, eh?!  Not for me nor the Dutch group standing in front of me in line who were being told by the counter girl that this problem was going to cost them an additional (ready?) 30,000 euros in order to rebook!   They were frantic!!!!!  Now, I have to believe that there were some math errors here… but still… can you imagine being told that you owe the airline $30,000 in order to get back home????  As a post-script, I talked to these folks (a group of around 6) and they sincerely believed to the bitter end that the entire cancellation was a fix in order to scam them out of their money… I dont know what their details are… but Im sure you can imagine that these people were really, really, I mean really upset!

Ok… so, back to me!  Again, the moment I hear the word ‘cancellation’ I rush to the counter to find myself about 10th in line.  This would be a good time to recall that, in abnormal situations, systems, training and routines help, right?!  Well, these are attributes that I have found in very short supply in Philippine business practice!  In fact, an utter chaos ensued in front of me that I was growing accustomed to.  Calm, complacent, gentle and kind filipino’s meshing with utterly gnashing westerners wanting action, and wanting it fast!  Suffice to say, getting rebooked on the next flight took hours and a boatload of patience.. even being 10th in line… and I was informed that for some reason, I would need to re-check in the next morning as well!  Wonderful… all the while I am worried that folks are out there were gobbling up all the inexpensive rooms and I would be left with a flop costing $100US!

As it turned out, I should have had more faith in my dear friend, the filipino.  As soon as I left the airport, I found a tricycle and explained my situation to the driver.  All he said was, “no problem Sir, I know just where you can stay if you dont mind not spending too much for limited accommodation!”

Now, how wonderful is that?  How many other ways could he have taken that situation?  That’s what Im saying about this place… everywhere you turn people take joy in helping other people!  You have to experience it for fuller appreciation but maybe you can get a flavor from my stories.  I will say again, It is easy to love this place, despite the inefficiency and the rain!

My driver took me to a home.  The family was eating dinner, but he explained my situation and wondered if they might have a spare room for me to let for the night.  Of course they did.  So, for 500ps (around $10US) I got my own room, a bed, bathroom, towels and linen all to my own.  The family could not have been nicer and even offered me food from their dinner table.  I declined and went across the street to a small restaurant instead.

Talk about ups and downs of travel, right?  … honestly, I couldn't make this stuff up even if I tried.

Isn't LIFE GRAND??!!  I just have to say, I have been so blessed by this experience!!  Are you ready???  TYG!!!

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