Sunday, January 11, 2015

It's a PARTY!

Had a meeting this morning with the Attorney I work with to map out my last project activities.  Since it's the new year, money is back in the budget and the barangay's are eager to begin projects they've been planning since last year.  There are roads and bridges to be built, evacuation centers to create, emergency boats to purchase, communication equipment to buy.  For my part, Im trying to persuade folks to plan for one more meeting.   A workshop/ training session with three main objectives:  A review of the major regional disaster events of 2014, training on best practices in running an evacuation center, and a discussion on implementation of 2015 disaster preparedness and mitigation projects.  Hopefully, this will happen....

In other news, the past week was full of parties!  The fun started Thursday night, when we celebrated Choy's birthday.   Now, for some reason, Choy has no idea what year he was born, but he seems fairly convinced that it was on Jan 6th.  Who am I to question?!

As I think mentioned in a previous blog, Choy lives a bit aways, in the San Ramon barangay.  It’s a long pajak ride out there costing 20ps rather than the standard 5.  I felt pretty sure where I was going, so once I got to San Ramon proper I paid for my transportation and started walking down a dirt road into the rice fields where I knew he lived.   It wasn't long before I was completely lost.  Everyone I stopped said that of course, they knew Choy and where he lived. This was great, except each person I asked pointed me in a different direction!  I finally got to talking to one family trying to communicate that a) Choy has no front teeth b) Choy is a younger guy, about such and so tall c) that Choy works for the Mayor…. none of this was hitting the spot.. then I mentioned that Choy was great at giving massages!  All this in sign language mind you!   Well, this information was the key!  My new friends immediately made the connection, we all laughed and soon I was on the proper path!!!

Anyway I finally found Choy’s hut - or as he refers to it, his “condo unit”.  It had been significantly damaged by the typhoon, but a few boards here a couple of palm fronds there, some bamboo up there.. and the condo unit was as solid as it ever was or would be.  There were already a bunch of guys gathered for the party and the drinking had commenced.  I was really quite surprised to see just how much food was coming out of the little kitchen!  Lots and lots of food…  adobo, blood soup, wild chicken, entrails, peanuts, raman, it was a true Philippine feast!!  And Choy was working hard, alongside his wife and attending to every detail.  If someone new arrived, Choy would make a chair, or bench or table appear.  If a bowl got low on food, Choy would run to get some more.  His wife was constantly about, cleaning this, sweeping the ground, cleaning this dish or that, cooking.  They were such a great team.  About halfway into the night who should appear but the Mayors son, JB!!!  I couldn't believe it!  Out here in the middle of a rice field… JB appears to honor Choy!!!!   What a moment!  

JB and I got to talking and I even spoke to his wife on the phone.  It turns out they are going to be in LA later this summer and we just might try and connect in the US!  How cool would that be?!!!

I never did get a pic of JB and I.  Maybe Ill have another chance!  Here is a picture of Choy and his lovely wife.  And a few more of the barkada.

On Saturday, I did the radio show (Wonderful Tonight, Eric Clapton) and then jumped on over to another party in town with the guys.  Of course, there was more videoke in store there.. and plenty of good food.  Here's a pic of me singing and then another of my radio crew:

So that was fun.... and if that weren't enough... on Sunday, I got a text from my bud Tony who wondered if I might like to spend the afternoon at his home.  Well, what a wonderful invitation!  So, we ate chicken and drank ginebra and talked.  I shared with him a lot of the stories I have been gathering over the past few months.  Very nice!!

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