Wednesday, January 7, 2015


I promised I would write a post to capture the amount of time that I spent actually waiting for something to happen on this trip.

Before I show that log, I want to say this...  waiting isn't really that much of a problem when Im traveling for pleasure.  I have learned that all you need to do is keep you eyes open and the world will unfold in front of you, as it was meant to happen all along.  Ultimately, for me the joy is truly in the ride and not the destination.

Ok... here's my log - remember this is only wait time... not travel time.  You could call it my "Waiting to Travel Log"

Arrive early to Manila airport for departure to Puerto Princesa - 7 hr wait
Wait for bus to Port Barton - 4 hr
Waiting to learn if the boat tour was on or off - 3 hr
Wait for bus to leave el Nido for Puerto - 3 hr
Wait for plane to Manila - 6 hr
Wait to get new ticket following cancellation - 2.5 hr
Wait for new plane to get to Manila - 3 hour
Wait for bus to take me from Manila to Naga - 7 hrs
Wait for van to take me to Lagonoy - 1 hr

Some would call that 36.5 hours of pure wait time...  I prefer:  "opportunity to observe and interact time".

You learn all about the thrill of this when you agree to have a Peace Corps experience!

Love Life!  Live Life!  Be Free!


  1. Dear Dan,
    I'm just wondering how long before your appointment began did you apply and how long did it take you to hear back?

  2. lets see.... I think I applied online for the position in April. PC Washington called within 5 days... I was amazed. Phone interview seemed rather pro forma. I had a formal offer in my inbox within a week of that call. Then, the paperwork..... endless.. although I shouldn't complain since it is all online these days. I was in Manila by August. It could even have been faster than that, but I had a medical issue that delayed my departure for a month.
