Tuesday, January 13, 2015


As I've oft mentioned, I tend to create quite the sensation walking down the street  as I travel to and return from work.  Little children rush to me to "Hi-5" the americano...  mothers authentically smile, men offer greetings... it's typically the most rewarding part of my day.

Well, yesterday, all this happened and then I got to my gate, passed through my outdoor living space and entered my room.  About 30 minutes later I hear, "Oh Sir Daniel??  Sir Daniel?!  Are you there?"  Turns out, Steffi (12) and her sister (7) had come to visit.. Steffi was carrying my little Hot Wheels toting buddy (2ish) as well!  They were excited to visit and soon I was showing them pictures I had taken in the village, and during my travels here in the Philippines.  Of course, they were also interested in my family back home, and life in America.  They were also quite impressed (I might add) by my two handsome sons!!!  They stayed and we chatted for probably 45 minutes until I told them that I needed to cook dinner so as to take advantage of the evening light.

Before leaving, they wanted to make sure they had my last name so they could "friend me" on Facebook.  Now, I see Steffi has sent a friend request to Rafe and Eric as well... How great is that?

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