Friday, December 5, 2014

the waiting game

Today, we were met in the Pension by our Country Director who let us know that PC is here to take care of us.  Because of the slow forward movement of the storm, our length of stay here in Manila is looking like it will be much longer than the initially expected three days.  As best I can tell, I expect to be here for a week or so.  Good for me, I suppose, but I know Im going to be missed at site, where they need me now more than ever.

Anyway, beginning at 5p tonight, we are required remain here at the pension until further notice- leaving for any reason will be considered unacceptable and cause for immediate termination of service.  Harsh... but understandable.  So, we are all sort of hunkering down.  I went to the mall and bought a few food tidbits (including cheddar cheese!!!)  and then I crashed for a couple hours.  When PC came by, they brought a bunch of board games and books - I thought that was a nice touch!  I picked up "Cuba Libre", by Elmore James.  

I feel that my past few posts have been downers...  I guess I am just really tired and worried.  I know things will work out and that whatever happens next is just another test designed to make me stronger.  And this holds true not just for me, but for my counterparts at site as well.  Things will work out in divine order.

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