Thursday, December 18, 2014

in case you're wondering... yes, it is still raining...

Back in July when I announced to those in my circles my plan to take a leave of absence from my Phoenix existence, a common question that came up was, 'Why would you choose to do such a thing?'  My answer was always the same, 'Because I believe that I can".   I now see that answer as incomplete.  A better answer might have been, "Because I believe I can and because I believe I will return a better person than when I left".  This Peace Corps gig - yes, we do it for things like skills transfer, cultural exchanges, learning, training etc. But, I'd venture that very few returned volunteers would say that the gifts they gave during service equaled the gifts they received.  This is the true gift of giving, right?  There is a law out there in the universe that I believe and it has proven true, at least for me:  Whatever good you manifest in your thoughts and actions will come back to you, with interest.  Basic karma.  If you are seeking love, then practice love.  If you are seeking happiness, make someone happy. If you want to learn, then teach.  I could go on an on, but you have heard this all before and are probably bored by now.

In many ways this experience is far different than my first assignment; in ways too numerous to count.  But in one important way, the experiences are consistent.  That is, by submerging myself into another culture for an extended period of time, I have learned a lot about myself.  It's a bit paradoxical, but there you have it.  This work is really quite difficult and is not for everyone.  It is inner work at the same time as it is outer work - and it is all about communication - within and without.

So, as Christmas approaches  (around 50ish days left here), thoughts and activities have emerged surrounding "reentry" planning.  Yesterday, I purchased my return ticket back to the US from the Philippines.  Whirlwind travel taking me from Bangkok, to Manila, to Guangzhou, China, to LAX, to Phoenix.  The major leg, China to LA, will have me flying on the Airbus A380 - the largest commercial aircraft in service (over 550 seats!).  Never flew on it and Im excited about that in a geeky sort of way.

Tonight, assuming we can connect, I have a meeting with the Director of the Consulting firm I was working with for 10 years before this adventure began  We will discuss options surrounding my re-entry with that firm.  I would be lying if I said that I am looking forward to exactly the same working situation I left, although my guess is that is exactly what they want of me.  We shall see.

Oh, and in one week I will be in Palawan! YipYip!


  1. A little birdy told me that you are meeting up with Jean in Thailand. That sounds like a very good idea, bro! Loved spending time with your family. .. and I love you, always.
