Tuesday, December 9, 2014

like rabbits from a hole!

Maybe today will be the day... The typhoon is a thing of the past and I am hoping we'll be sprung in a few hours and allowed to return home.  Yesterday, they loosened the restriction that forced us to remain at the pension.  We ran like rabbits from a hole!

I, like many, made tracks to the Peace Corps office about 2 miles away.  After being in that hotel for so long, a few of my new friends and I were happy to walk the distance.  It was nice getting back to HQ.  I retrieved the packages and cards that had been sent to me and that were waiting at the PCPO.   I got it all, I think!   The liquid soap that was sent leaked, so pretty much everything in the package had a nice peppermint aroma!  Unfortunately, this rendered the magazines only trash worthy, but everything else was salvaged.  I quickly shared my chocolate with the other PCVs who had made their way, reserving a few bars for later, of course!  Oh, and I got the Christmas Cards!

Thank you for the gifts, one and all!

After catching up with staff  and collecting a few books from the give and take PC library, I headed out for a nice walk alone.  I ended up back at pension after a couple hours.  A little bit later, a few of us went out for some hummus and I even smoked some strawberry flavored something at a hookah joint!  A fun night, to be sure.

1 comment:

  1. Relieved to hear you are ok. Praying for you! Hugs and love ♥
