Thursday, December 25, 2014

Holiday Greetings - One and All

So, I had popcorn and an apple for dinner tonight.  Why, you ask?
Have you been paying attention friend?

Because I can.

Yesterday and today were rough days... spent anxiously waiting for my solo trip to the ends of the earth - Palawan.  My unexpected Skype from my adopted daughter Anika made me cry.  My expected Skype from my family made me,  I apologize, it made me proud.  I am so flipping lucky to be surrounded by such people!  I didnt earn it....  it is beauty beyond imagine!  

Tomorrow, I head off and won't be in communication for a week or so.  Pray for me and for fair weather.. it has been raining a ton and I am fearful that my plans might be thwarted by high seas and generally inclement weather... no matter, whatever was meant to be was meant to be.  I AM and I am ready!

1 comment:

  1. We missed you on Christmas Eve and Christmas day. It was so nice to spend the day with your awesome family on Christmas. xoxoxox Feb. is coming right up. See you soon.
