Tuesday, December 23, 2014

An Achievement!

Somewhere around two years ago my wife had the following conversation with me:

“Dan, you have acquired diabetes, you have high blood pressure, your cholesterol is over the top and you are morbidly obese.  You have got to take control of your health or the odds are you will die sooner than you should.”

Yeah, no sugar coating there, eh?  Well, she was right (as per usual).  I could blame my condition on anything I wanted - business travel, age, genetics, you name it, but the fact is none of those excuses mattered.  What mattered was taking control of my health.  I’m pretty stubborn and it took a while for me to come around, but I am proud to say that I am now 50 pounds less than I was at that time and I’m at the lowest weight I’ve been in over 20 years - heck, probably longer.  I’ve hit my target goal for weight loss, and there is still more fat to burn!  My sugar levels are in check and my blood pressure is perfect.  I have no idea what the cholesterol looks like, but I am sure it is down as well.  I feel good about all that.  I know that coming back to the States will be a challenge - I have weaknesses for really really unhealthy food like chicken wings and salami, but hopefully, I will manage to keep the weight off and the health managed.  Hiking will help!

I’d like to publicly thank Jean, Rafe, Eric, my doctor (Dr Kevin Chan - a Great Doc in Ahwatukee in case you are looking!) and other people too… people like Steve Spinogle, Dad Penrose, Nancy and David, Amy and Jack, and Mary and Gary Smith - people who prove that just because we get older does not mean we have to slow down!

Anyway, it is Christmas Eve. I woke up today and went to work but was surprised to see that the office was closed.  Now, I checked yesterday… I specifically asked, is tomorrow a holiday?  Answer was ‘no’….  Dec 25, 26, Jan 1, Jan 2 are holidays.  The office is open tomorrow.  Well, I guess no one told the man who puts the giant padlock on the door to the building, then!  Flexibility is a key ingredient to success here in the Philippines, as I’ve said!  So, I went home and now have a free day on my hands.  Tomorrow - Christmas; who knows what I’ll do.  Then the 26th.  I’ll be packing and then boarding an evening bus to Manila that will take around 12 hours.  Jump a cab from the station to get to the airport and then a short flight to Puerta Princesa.  No idea where I’ll be sleeping once I get there, but it looks like there are a ton of hotels there.  Not worried.

Ok…here’s the itinerary after that:
12/28 - Travel to Sabang.  Nice beach and home of the ‘Underground River’, apparently a must see attraction that has been labeled one of the 7 natural wonders of the world.  Jeepney back to Puerta to sleep.
12/29 - Travel to Port Barton/ San Vicente where I have a room booked at a place called Cassadra’s Cottages.  Looks to be a nice place right on the beach.  I picked it because its about half way North to my ultimate destination - El Nido.  I have no idea how I will get there, but assume there will be Jeepney’s involved.
12/30 - I will probably engage in a tour of some of the islands off the coast of San Vicente.  With any luck, I will find some other travelers to split the cost of an banca (smaller filippine boat with outriggers). Night at the beach cottage.
12/31 - Travel to El Nido.  Room reservations at Double Gem hotel.  On the beach.  Looks nice.
1/1 - Engage in a tour off coast, snorkeling etc.  This is what I’ve been waiting for!  Night at the Double Gem.
1/2 - Another day in El Nido.  Maybe a different tour. This night is a bit up in the air.  I could stay here if it merits, or I could take a bus and spend the night in Puerta P.  It depends on if ‘I’ve seen it all'.  I mean, El Nido, albeit one of the most beautiful locations in the world, is really remote - limited electricity.. no town, per se.  anyway, this night is up in the air.
1/3 - Evening flight to Manila.  Arrive around 11p.  Take a cab to the Pension I know and love where I have a room booked in the dormitory (thanks Peace Corps!).
1/4 - hang in Manila. maybe night at Pension, maybe not.
1/5 - this is open… If Im bored in Manila (possible, since I just spent over a week there) I may just jump a night bus back to Lagonoy on 1/4.. or 1/5… we shall see.
1/6 - Back in my crib in Lagonoy and back to work…. for the homestretch!

Now, lets see if that is how it all unfolds!!!!!!!  oh, I do encourage you to do some googling on El Nido, the Underground River in Sabang, San Vicente.....    go ahead... they are beautiful places!!!

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