Saturday, December 20, 2014

Music in the air!

So, children are just filling the streets... singing carols and laughing and running and just being beautiful children.  God, it is easy to love this place!  I just came back from my radio appearance... two songs tonight...  "Friends in Low Places', by Garth Brooks (Rafe, you would be proud!) and then a gem....  Day-O, by Harry Bellefonte.   I will have to do that one again in the future... what a fun song to sing!

Last night was a gift as well.  I heard some music in the street not far from me so I wandered over.   Turns out it was a group of women who were singing, drinking and having fun together.  I saw them do this totally hilarious game... I have a feeling its a secret game that women do together when no men are around.... anyway... I was witness.....  so, you get a bunch of empty soda bottles and you space them apart around the floor... then women tie a string around their waist.. and then tie a string to that.  This string is attached to a soda straw.... .then the music starts and the  gals sort of gyrate and wiggle on top of the soda bottles to see how fast they can dip their straw into the bottle!!!  The one who does it the fastest is the winner!!!!    OMG...     The ladies got the MOVES... and they know how to party! Who would have guessed?!

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