Thursday, October 9, 2014

Wanting what you haven't got....

is one of the most terrible vices you can succumb to.  It keeps one from true happiness.  You know the habit of making a wish whenever you see a falling star?  Well, ever since I was a teenager, whenever I see a falling star I always wish for the same thing... happiness.  Secret is out!

Well, the secret of happiness, it seems to me is to finally be at peace with what you have.

Nothing earth shaking here.. but still... the thought was brought to my attention yesterday with the visit of my Peace Corps Coordinator.  I will explain how this happened, but first a confession:  I have been a little jealous of the other PCRVs who entered the Philippines with me.  All have assignments that place them very near, or even on the beach.  Some, very close to world class resorts.  And although I have seen beautiful beaches, I have not enjoyed a "day at the beach",  let alone a weekend. The one beach that is near me was devastated by a typhoon this past July and is still an utter wreck.

Okay, so thats the confession... I have been wanting what I don't have.  Well, as I've said, my Peace Corps Coordinator visited yesterday and I think it's safe to say he left me completely amazed.  First, and most importantly, he was stunned that I had completed as much work as I have in only 2 months. I mean, Ive written a 50 page disaster plan, Ive prepared materials for a two day presentation on disaster preparedness, response and recovery, Ive met with all 38 barangay captains twice, I've done site assessments of many of the most rural barangays in Lagonoy and Ive gotten the complete support of my LGU in the process.  His comment to me was, 'Dan, do you sleep?!'

Then we went to my house and again, he was astounded that my living situation is as good as it is.  Fridge, Stovetop, personal plumbing,  AND A/C???   Apparently, this is rather unheard of in the Philippines.  Also, apparently, I more private living space than he has seen in quite some time.  Again, he commented, 'Wow, you are one lucky Peace Corps Volunteer!'

So, all that left me feeling pretty good about things.  I celebrated by spending $15 on groceries and other things  (deodorant, candles, a COLD bottle of Coke(!)).  I won't be able to spend any money today or tomorrow for all that extravagance, but hey.... I'm happy just the way I am!


  1. He was surprised, but I, on the other hand, am not-- because I already knew you would do amazing things there. It is awesome to hear about them in this blog. So glad you can share with us . Muchos abrazos friend. Xoxo

  2. So Robin... do you see any opportunities here with your class?

  3. Sure. In your daily adventures would you happen upon any schools or teachers? One idea is we could make a video and email it. It would be fun to exchange some cultural things like: favorite food, favorite game, favorite book... We could show our classroom and books etc...we could do like a day in the school or something like that. Maybe we could sing a couple of songsfrom our class. Would it be possible for them to do something similar back? I am open to any cultural exchange. Let me know. Sounds awesome. Xoxo Robin
