Thursday, October 16, 2014

Friday ramblings.....

So, another Friday is upon me and this weekend looks action packed... well, relatively so!  One, I have been invited to Choy's home tonight for dinner and drinking.  This should be interesting.  Choy  is a true character!!!   I've mentioned him before here, but he is sort of a runner for the mayor and his sons.  He doesn't have a real position, but he has to be available at a moments notice to do whatever the mayor wants.  Like this past week, Choy and I were talking (an experience in itself) and the mayors son came up to us and said, "Choy, we are leaving now, let's go!".  Choy had no idea prior to that announcement that he was going anywhere, but he left immediately for a 10 hour drive to Manila where he stayed for 3 days.  Anyway, he's back now and I have no idea where Choy lives but he told me to just get to San Ramon (a large barangay) and just start asking around for him...  so, thats what Im going to do.

for fun, I will document part of our text communication last night:

Choy: yup, Im nOt come tomorow there and office.  but you goin here for drinks and for come dinner!  GINEBRA!

Dan:  Choy, come to the office tomorrow at 4:30.  I don't know where you live!

Choy: Yah, exsactly.  Me not come work tomorrow. take pajak yOu say where san ramOn... and then you txt me f where you here...

Dan: ok, Choy, see you tomorrow!

so there's that!   Next, I am going to Naga to shop and visit with my new Aussie friends whom Ive never met but who, by all advance info, sound very nice.  If I know my Aussies like I think I do, Im guessing there will be some beer involved in that adventure! Finally, if the weather holds I may be taking a picnic on Sunday to a nearby island!  There is a tiny speck of an island off the coast here that is said to be very beautiful.  It is uninhabited so we will need to rent a barka (small boat w/ outrigger), bring our own food and water, etc.  So, all that sounds fun.

Oh, guess what?!  I saw my first non filipino yesterday since I got here!!  I was walking home from work yesterday and I walked right past a group of americano teenagers!  You can bet I did a double take.  It was raining so all I had a chance to do was say hi.  One of the guys looked at me and said, 'Hey dude!'   They were clearly Mormon, dressed as they were in their starched shirts and carrying some propaganda.  I had heard that there were mormons about, in San Ramon actually, but I had never seen them.   Anyway... so that was interesting.  I just wish I had taken some time to learn about them more.  Heck, they could be from Mesa!

Work-wise, this week has been spent pretty much preparing for next weeks big two day summit meeting with all the barangay officials.  This is going to my show, so to speak, so it needs to be good.  I'll have the LGU administrator and the chief planning official in attendance as well.  I think Ive got it all together, we shall see.

And for something completely different, I wanted to comment a little on my bathroom.  :)

So, I have this bathroom (lucky me!) It is about 6'x3'. A true water closet!!  Imagine, in that space it has a toilet, a small sink, a hose/shower head, two shelves and a window!  I love my bathroom and find it to be extremely convenient.   I'm now wondering why americans have such large bathrooms.  I mean, beyond the tub, a bathroom is pure utility, right?  And lots of folks don't even use their bathtub.  In addition, cleaning my bathroom is a snap!  If I was designing my next house, I would design a tiny water closet and a large man cave.

Just saying....

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