Sunday, October 26, 2014

as an example of my reality....

ok... so here's a perfect example of what I mean by .... flexible.  Its around 8pm, Sunday night, and Im getting ready, even at this early hour, to go to bed because there is nothing else to do after the sun sets.  Anyway, I'm lying here and suddenly, I hear all these fireworks.. and some umpa music.. and Im thinking... "could it be, that at 8p on a Sunday night there is another parade???" So.  I put on my shorts and a tshirt and jump outside my walls and lo and behold there IS a parade!!!  A  bunch of people are doing the rosary and there is an umpa band playing horns and drums and there is a... get ready... a transvestite Mary who is being carried along as s/he does the rosary!   So, of course, I must jump into this parade because folks are already recognizing me....

What a freaking trip....  Life!

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