Monday, October 20, 2014

Sir Daniel

Inexplicable but thats what everyone calls me...  I can't get them to stop!  Now, granted its not the mayor... he calls me something like 'Mr. Aryolotti', but then again I don't bring his hand to my forehead whenever we meet, so its cool!  :)  Seriously tho, I think I am going to miss having that title!!!  Sir Daniel... imagine!!!??

So, I wanted to talk a little bit about how wonderful filipinos actually are... As you probably have gathered from my posts.. there is a lot of dancing going on here!  Just about every weekend, somewhere in town there is some corner having some sort of 'fiesta'.  That means music, dancing and ginebra.  And filipinos are excellent dancers!!!   I mean, on any street corner you might see some of the best dancing ever!   You know, formal style dancing mixed in with a bit of casual dance too.  And another thing... fiipinos just love to sing!   can you imagine living in a culture where every few hours, in any setting, someone just breaks out in song?!!  No fear!!!   It is absolutely joyous!

I am blessed by my interactions with my friends here.

Yesterday, I surprised Choy by showing up at his humble abode unannounced.  It took a bit of courage since I had no idea where he lived, but onward I went asking folks here and there... "Do you know Choy?  Where does he live?"  It took only a while... the trip was farther than I thought as he live in a pretty rural location.   Anyway, he and his wife and family just couldn't have been more excited to see me.   He gave me a great tour of his rural village, giving me an inside view of a rice harvest and of local living in general .  He kept saying...   "I hope you like my small condo unit!", as we sipped ginebra in his nipa hut.  I don't know, but that was just so funny to the both of us!!!!  Choy is great!

I must say... it was a wonderful time had by all and I shall do it again some time in the future!

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like s great place for a DeadHead! Glad you're missing the Steelers' season. Actually, you're not missing anything!
