Monday, October 13, 2014

A recipe: Salted Egg

Step 1:  Find a duck
Step 2:  Steal an egg
Step 3:  Find a termite mound
Step 4:  Steal the dirt that makes the mound
Step 5:  Remove any remaining termites
Step 6:  Find Salt
Step 7:  Mix Salt with termite dirt at a 2:1 ratio
Step 8:  Add water to make a paste
Step 9:  Place egg in bucket and cover egg on all sides with salt/ dirt paste mixture
Step 10:  Place bucket in a dry place for 21 days
Step 11:  Remove egg from bucket and boil for 30 minutes
Step 12:   Place boiled egg in a bowl of water that has had food coloring (your color choice)
Step 13:  Let sit until egg is cool

Step 14:  Eat egg...... YUM!!!

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