Friday, November 7, 2014

Screaming cats unite!

Its 4:00am and Ive been up for about 30 minutes.  Awoke to a strange sound - something I have never heard before.  If I didn't know better, I'd think there were a bunch of babies crying right outside my gate.   I just went out there and found out exactly what is causing all this racket.  Turns out it is cats.  I estimate that there are four, maybe five.  And they are howling at the full moon!    Now, coming from Arizona, Im used to the sounds of coyote in the desert… but cats?  Who knew cats howled at the moon?  But I guess we all need to do that every now and again, right!?

Anyway, yesterday was fun because I had the opportunity to meet 4 PCVs who travelled to Lagonoy for a presentation at our local High School.  Three of them will be back tomorrow as well.  They are engaging in a project involving Biodiversty and are coordinating a series of presentations on the subject at schools throughout the region.  Later today, I will meet up with them again to help paint a beautiful mural on a wall that surrounds the school.    Funding for this project came thru   a USAID grant written by one of my new PC friends  - a guy named Johann.  Wow.. it was great meeting up - at last!  I’ve known that there was PC in the region from the connections Ive been able to make on Facebook, but I had never actually met these folks.  In fact, this is my 12th week here in the Philippines and yesterday was the first time since I left Manila that I had an opportunity to speak with another PCV.  

These PCs obviously know each other quite well, as they are all part the same group that entered PC about one year ago and it seems that they gather together often.  So, they have one year left in their service!   I was surprised to learn that most of them have been back to Manila about 6 times in their first year for PC related activities - training, medical issues, etc.  

Oh, here's an interesting factoid - I learned yesterday that there are no fishermen in the Philippines.  They are called 'fisherfolk'!  I like it. 

Later this afternoon I will be returning to the radio station.  I mentioned in a previous blog that the station manager agreed to run a series of public service announcements on disaster issues for me.  Well, there was a catch I didn't mention.... In return for this, I had to agree to sing karaoke on the radio from 4 - 6p!  I tried to warn him that this will likely turn OFF listeners since my singing sound a lot like those cats out there.. but he was undeterred.  Get ready Lagonoy...... LET IT BE LET IT BE LET IT BE OH LET IT BE LISTEN WORDS OF WISDOM LET IT BE! 

1 comment:

  1. Cool mural Dan. I haven't heard back from the penpal connection guy. Have you heard anything?
