Tuesday, November 25, 2014

A faux pas

It's 5:11am and Ive been up since 1.

I mentioned that the woman who owns my property is in Manila.  Well, she has a small army of (what can only be called) servants and whoever was supposed to take care of the dog (yeah, that dog) apparently forgot to untie him because he is outside my window wailing in the rain.  He's been out there crying for hours.  There's nothing I can do to help the dog and the rain is just coming down!  

So, we've got the dog barking and the rain falling hard on my tin roof.  Oh, and it is pretty obvious that someone down the street was lucky enough to get their Christmas present a month early!  Yep, the Videoke machine has been in full swing for the past two nights - all night long.  I just heard a pretty bad version of Mandy, by Barry Manilow!  How could anyone sleep through this?  And, of course, since it's past 5a the roosters are doing their thing so there is no chance of slumber now...

About my faux pas...  two days ago in the mayor's office a few folks were joking around with Katherine, one of the gals who works there.  Everyone kept wishing her "Happy Birthday", and then everyone would laugh.  Not sure what the joke was about, but of course, I wanted to get in on the fun, so at some point, I say, "Happy Birthday!" and she tells me that actually her birthday is on December 26.  She went on to say that she would be happy to receive a gift from me, however!  Ok.. so yesterday, I arrive at work and Katherine comes right up to me and jokes, "So, where's my present?!"  Well, I thought we were all joking, but (as it turns out) I have been looking for an excuse to give someone one of the glass pendants that I made.  I packed around 10 of them in the hopes of passing them out.  So, I tell her to wait a few minutes and I ran back to my abode to fetch a pendant.

Well, I get back to the office and proudly give Katherine my pendant - "For your Birthday, a month early!  And I made it myself!"  Well, I think Katherine took it the wrong way... I'm not sure... but I think she took it as some sign of affection and she immediately looked embarrassed and clammed up for the rest of the day.  I asked her if she liked my gift and all she would say was, "Im too busy right now to look at it".  Odd behavior, particularly since she ASKED for a gift!  I suppose she didnt really expect to get anything... or else jewelry is some kind of taboo gift, reserved for those in love???  Or perhaps its because I gave her something I had made?  I have no idea.  Sometimes culture is so confusing.  Anyway, I hope today is better and we can get this past us because I DO like Katherine.. but of course, not in any kind of romantic way.  So, I guess I get to bring the rest of my pendants back home with me, because Im  not going through THAT again!!!

See thats the thing about being an americano male over here... it creates strange relationships with the other gender.  I somehow think, at least from this perspective, its easier to assimilate being an american female here, than a male.  The fact is, many american men come to the Philippines to find a wife.  It's more than cliche'. You don't see it as much the other way around.  That is, you don't see many american females marrying filipino men. Everyone here understands this and it is accepted.   I never anticipated it being a problem even though the issue was mentioned in PC training back in Manila.  Frustrating!

Anyway...    I wanted to clear something up... I am not writing a "book" book.  I am merely collecting these posts and assembling them into a journal along with some nice photos Ive been lucky enough to capture.  I think it will make a nice keepsake! 

1 comment:

  1. Well, first, I would love one of your pendants, birthday or not--no strings attached. :)
    About the book, don't rule it out. You have a lot of good material and a book would be cool and educational. Still no word back from your contact about writing with another school. No worries though.
    Missed you on Mark Welch weekend. I know how you enjoy our crazy singing behavior. Maybe that was the dog at your window--a glimpse into missing my singing at the Mark Welch concert.
