Saturday, November 22, 2014

making history

Ok.. so Steve has convinced me that I should make a book of my experience here.  What consumes my time now is creating this book - and you would be surprised at how easy it is these days, thanks to technology!  So far, it looks to be over 100 pages.. perhaps approaching 200, we shall see.

Anyway, today was marked by my travels to Goa, where I sang Kareoke over the radio to the citizens of Cam Sur.   Poor them!  This time, I chose '3 Little Birds' by Bob Marley.. I mean, we all need to recall sometimes that, " every little thing, is going to be alright!"  Especially given the sour mood of the US  government at this time...

The US government as a whole is acting poorly.   Without casting blame, can we get together and unite so that we can once again act as a guiding force toward the progress of humanity?  Right now, I see that we stand as an embarrassment on the world stage.   I want to cast blame for this situation aside so that we can reconcile these differences and begin to accomplish growth, safety and development throughout the world.  Is there anyone out there who appreciates this?

For example, the arguments of immigration reform have been going on for decades.  If you care to do the research you will recognize that the positions advanced by the current administration mirror the positions advanced by the Bush administration.  Don't take my conclusion... research it for yourself.  But be sure to research it in a way that ensures a fair and unbiased assessment.  That means, I am afraid, looking at both sides of the argument... and coming up with conclusions all on your own.  Frightening, for some, I am sure.

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