Sunday, November 30, 2014

Lucky ducks and unlucky ducks

Every Monday, we gather here in front of the Philippine flag and we do five things:
1) We pray to our Lord
2) We sing the National Anthem
3) We raise the Philippine Flag
4) We recite the pledge of office
5) We have kind words spoken to begin our week

Each administrative office lines up in single file as a team.  You can see that in the pics.  Today, was a special day!  For one, a Catholic mass immediately followed the flag raising (this happens on the first Monday of every month).  Second, the Mayor was in attendance and he stood to announce that Year End Performance Based Bonuses were on their way for all permanent employees!  Cheers went up in the crowd (not caught on video).  While good news for some, others appeared sad....  remember that there is a cadre of 'employee' here who loyally come to work daily but who don't get paid.  They are the "contract" employees (vs. the permanent employee).  For them, the money ran out at the end of August.  So, they stay on... with no better options...  knowing that in January there will be a new budget.   And so it goes....

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