Thursday, November 27, 2014

not quite the homestretch

I'm not much of a TV guy back home.  I mean, I watch TV - but mostly just channel surf.  I haven't dug into any good TV programming in years.  Well, anywhere you go here in the Philippines it is easy to come across merchants who sell bootleg movies and TV programs.  They sell this stuff for a song.  So, I gave it a whirl.. I bought the entire first seasons of both  "Game of Thrones" and "House of Cards" for about $2.25.  I've enjoyed both so much that I went and found Season 2 of each show.  Good entertainment on those nights that I have no access to the internet.  Recommended, if you haven't given them a watch...

Well, as you might imagine, I've been feeling rather solitary here, given that my loved ones are gathering today in Thanksgiving.  Last night, I ate by candlelight like I do every night.  I cooked a chicken breast, coated with coconut.  Corn on the side with rice.  Mango, pineapple, coconut and banana salad for dessert.  In bed by 8.  30 days to Palawan, 72 days to Close of Service (COS), and 74 sleeps until I meet up with Jean in Bangkok!

I guess you could say that I've rounded the bend in this adventure.  I figure Ive completed as much work as Im going to do on the Municipal Disaster Plan and am well into developing a template for a local Barangay Disaster Plan.  Whatever the powers that be want to do with these documents is really beyond my concern.  Even if I were to leave tomorrow, I feel that I have successfully executed the tasks that I have been assigned.

At least two fellow PCRVs who I started with in August are COSing early - a surprise since the duration of the service is so short.  Ive spoken with both and like me, they feel that they've completed everything that they were assigned to do... so why stay?  I was actually given to option of an early COS (in January instead of Feb) by the Peace Corps admin whenever I was having administrative trouble with my vacation plans, but I declined.   I just felt that an early COS did not represent me, or the Peace Corps, in a good light - especially given the fact that Im often asked to stay on longer.  I know there is great potential for another PC assignment here, but in typical fashion, the wheels are spinning very slowly toward that end.  

Oh... everything is back to normal with Katherine, in case you were wondering.  Its as if nothing ever happened.  Too bad about that pendant... she'll probably never wear it and it was a nice one!  Oh well.  I'll just make another one when I get back home.  I do miss my torch time!

Hope you are all enjoying your day!  Happy Thanksgiving and thanks for your continued interest in my experiences...

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