Monday, November 24, 2014

A Break In!

So, I think in an earlier post I noted that the light in my bathroom hasn't gone completely off in weeks.  Well, yesterday things got worse.  The way it was, when the switch was off, there remained a soft glow.  When the switch was on - full light.  Now, when the switch is on, I hear a crackle and smell burning wire....  Not good.  Worse, the woman who owns the place is off to Manila for who knows how long.  I told someone about it in the mayors office so hopefully I can get the switch replaced today.

Yesterday was an odd day overall.  I definitely wasn't feeling myself and then I came home to the strangest thing...  The dog (a lucky dog) who lives next door and who barks incessantly all day long somehow found a way into the "outside" part of my domain.  The area is completely enclosed by a bamboo fence, the gate padlocked and I have no idea how it could have happened.... unless, someone had a key and let him in. A bit unnerving.  When I got through the gate, he looked plenty scared before I coaxed him out into the street.  Of course, the dog had been there awhile and I found a big pool of pee right where I cook.  Of course, its a porous concrete floor so I needed to splash buckets and buckets of water over the area, then get down on hands and knees and scrub scrub scrub until the smell went away.  Very strange, but I am reminded more than ever to keep the locks closed to my area... for whatever good that will do!

In other news, it has been raining all week.  Not constant rain, but off and on strong showers that do their best to keep me grounded.  I haven't been to Goa in about 5 days which, on the plus side, curtails my spending.  On the downside, I find myself being as bored as ever a lot of the time away from work.  I've begun planning for my trip to Palawan.  Given my travel style, I like to keep my options open, but I felt as if it would be prudent to book a room in advance for at least part of my stay there.  Looking carefully at the map, the "Lonely Planet" travel guide, and the calendar, Ive got a pretty good itinerary that should place me in el Nido on New Years Eve until 1/2.  So I booked what looks to be an inexpensive (<$30/night), safe and clean place that is on the beach.  Definitely looking forward to that adventure!

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