Monday, September 22, 2014


Ive never seen more smiles than I have in the past 6 weeks (well, maybe at a Dead show, but that is completely different! ;))  I mean, despite all hardships, I have to say, filipinos seem really, sincerely happy.  I wonder what it is that makes them so?  Whatever it is, they should begin exporting it immediately because the world needs more happiness.

Happy and kind and polite as well.  It seems that the greatest faux pas that one can make in this culture is to do something that causes another to lose face.  Everyone takes great care to be respectful of others.  In fact, Im not sure how I haven't talked about this, but there is this word here that is thrown into nearly every conversation -- multiple multiple times.  The word is "po".  Po is a word used to connote respect to the person with whom you are speaking.  For example... One would never say just Salamat, which means 'thank you'.  Rather, one would say, especially to an elder or someone in position, Salamat po!  It is 'po this' and 'po that', everywhere you go its po, po, po!  Also, in a conversation, one would never disagree with another.  You would never hear, "I don't agree".  What you would here is something like this, "Yes, that is a very good point, po.  And I was thinking, po, that there is also this side to the issue that Ive been considering as well, po...

Also, there is this charming cultural gesture that exists here and is very much a part of daily life.  When one approaches an elder, or someone of position, the introduction is not a handshake.  The move is to reach out and grasp the hand of elder, to do a slight bow and take the hand to your forehead.  Touch the hand to your forehead and then release.  This is a sign of respect.  When I walk down the street, little children run up to me and grasp my hand and do this...   wonderful sign of respect.  It is a supplication, of sorts.

In other news, I went to Naga today and was introduced to some officials; there will be another trip there later on official business.  I also made it to the travel agency.  Bought 2 roundtrip tickets that should exhaust my vacation time and my budget.  One is to Cebu, Philippines, which Carlos and I will use as a launching point to get to Bohol.  The other is a post-New Year trip to Bangkok, Thailand, which I will use as a launching point to get to Phuket, Thailand.  I never dreamed I would make it to Bangkok, or Phuket for that matter, and I just couldn't be more excited.  I mean, Phuket!  I need to go just to get a T-shirt!!!  These tickets, combined cost less than $300, also, which is utterly amazing!!  When I get to Thailand, I am hoping cash in on some backlogged free nights from Holiday Inn, thanks to the business travel I have done over the years, so that will keep costs down as well.

Anyway po, its time to go!  Have a great day, po.. and if you have any desire.. you can always write me at!


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