Wednesday, September 3, 2014


Ok... here are some of the ways in which my life has changed in the past month or so:

  • Day is night, and night is day  (Phoenix is 15 hrs behind Manila)
  • I feel no work related stress
  • I have not seen an airplane in the sky for 2 weeks
  • I have not eaten dinner indoors in 2 weeks
  • I have not had fresh brewed coffee in 2 weeks
  • I have eaten rice every day for one month
  • I have not looked in a mirror for 2 weeks
  • I have not driven a car in over one month
  • My diet has completely changed
  • I have not used toilet paper in 2 weeks ( don't worry, they have better alternatives!)
  • I have not seen TV in one month
  • I have not had cows milk in one month
so, thats just a taste of the difference.  I am loving the challenge of it all!  Tonight I walked down the street after my dinner of rice, beans and greens.  I found a few men hanging around a stand and pulled up a chair and bought a beer for the group!  What a nice group of people!  By the end of the engagement, they had bought peanuts for me an invited me to a birthday celebration!  An honor!  As hard as it is at times, there ARE times that make the whole thing worthwhile!

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