Wednesday, September 3, 2014

A Sensational Experience!

In my last post on extremes, I forgot to mention perhaps the most obvious difference between my life in Lagonoy vs. Phoenix - the Rain!  It has rained every single day since my arrival.  Not that it is raining endlessly, but the skies are always ominous and every now and again they open.   Therefore, the air is always heavy in a way that I had forgotten about, given my time in the desert!  

Ok, so it’s 8a and Ive already had my first adventure for the day.  Lets describe it:

I awoke in the way I am now growing accustomed - I rise around 4ish with the roosters and slowly make my way to the kitchen, which is outside. I make myself a nice cup of instant coffee and then vegetate for a bit in my outdoor dining/living room.  At some point, I fix myself a breakfast - typically oatmeal with fruit and a glass of instant milk.  By the way, Ive always hated instant milk but Im finding it amazing how one can choose to like things just by willing it so!  So, I eat my oatmeal and then spend some time on the computer journalling or playing a computer game or something, or maybe I just sit and read.  On about 7a, I make it to the shower - oh, thats another extreme - I havent had a warm shower in a month - anyway, I take my shower and do my business…..  I say all this because thats exactly how today started.  EXCEPT… .after I towel off and go to put on my clothes, I am suddenly feeling a zillion tingly bites all over my body!  When I examine further it turns out that my bath towel had become infested with tiny ants during the night and I had just done a great job of covering my body with them!!!  And they were as unhappy about this as I!   Pretty uncomfortable situation, especially (at the risk of being TMI) in the private areas, that are, as it happens, a bit more hairy than the other areas of my body!!!!!   And these ants were teeny tiny!!   So, I jumped back in the shower and tried my best to scrub them away.  Im at work now and dont you know… I just found a few more of those guys crawling on me!  

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