Sunday, September 14, 2014

An event of a lifetime!

The Regatta was a smashing success!  Where do I begin?  Well, before I begin, let me jus say that the weekend absolutely surpassed any expectations I had and by the end of this blog I am sure you will agree that it was one amazing time!  

Ok, we started at 3:30a taking a Govt vehicle to a port town on the northern coast.  Once we got to the port we needed to wait because the mayor was being driven separately and hadn't made it yet so the group, excepting me, ate a hearty breakfast of….  you guessed it fish parts in broth!  Once the mayor arrived we boarded a small boat and headed off.  About one hour into the voyage, I was informed that we were going to make a slight detour because the mayor wanted to show me something.  Ok, whatever, Ive grown pretty used to going with the flow, right?

Well, the sun is shining, blue skies all around and what do we happen upon but the most beautiful island with white sandy beaches and blue water.  The mayor informed me that this is his private island - probably 150 acres or so.  We jumped out and lo and behold this man appeared out of no where - I mean the island was otherwise deserted.  The man proceeds to climb up a bunch of coconut trees and suddenly coconuts are falling!  So we feasted on coconut water and fresh coconut jelly!!!!  Soooo gooood and such a beautiful spot!  Idyllic! 

Anyway, we make it to the Regatta destination, a barangay called Balaton.  We climb the hundred or so steps from the dock to the church overlooking the sea and who should we be met by but the Archbishop of entire region!  Another feast ensues - fresh fish, squid, crab, and I am seated at the right hand of the Archbishop and just next to the mayor, his wife and his son.  Well, the Archbishop just could not have been nicer - his english was spot on and we quickly developed a great rapport!  I really felt honored to be sitting there in that company, I have to say.  

After this feast, we headed out to our quarters - the local school.  All eleven northern barangays had representatives there and each barangay took over a room, or rooms where people rolled out sheets.  We did the same.   This is definitely NOT the Holiday Inn, folks!  No running water and cooking was done in firepits.   You can pretty easily imagine what happened next… the beer was purchased, the cards broke out, the food was everywhere and we just had a great time until sometime around 3:30am!

Next day, we wake early and head out on a mission to visit as many local barangays as we can.  But before we do, we get to watch the races begin!  Just like I thought, its a rowing thing.. with each barangay laying claim to the best boat and the best cocksmen (I think that what they're called).  So much color and excitement!!!

Well, we jump in our boat sort of keep pace with the racers for awhile but then veer off to do our site visits.  I was interested to see just how vulnerable these rural locations actually are… and oh man, can I tell you that they are so flipping vulnerable.  Folks living, I mean, right on the water.. sometimes, over the water!  At times, there is no elevation, and other times there are steep mountains right next to these villages.  The mountains just scream landslide, and in fact, we saw several sights that had experienced landslides.  So, there is vulnerability from wind, from storm surge, from mudslides, from tsunami and of course, from earthquakes!  We did our best to scout out potential safe evacuation center sites but sometimes the topography just makes safety impossible  Its also clear that relocation of many of these communities is going to be impossible as well since in many cases, there is nowhere to safely relocate to. 

Ok, so the travel between these barangays is just amazing… something right out of ‘Apocolypse Now’.  If you've seen that movie… they are boating up a river to Cambodia…. Well, hey, Cambodia is not far away and these rivers are exactly like that.  Healthy mangroves, and nipa palm, and man it was amazing!  

We get back to base, as it were and I ask to speak to all the Barangays Captains individually since they all were at the Regatta - what an opportunity!  I wanted to introduce myself and explain the plan that is forming in my head (essentially my mission here) about what we are going to do to improve the situation.  Well, this was promptly accomplished and I was really pleased to have done this important bit of networking.

There were all sorts of activities going on - basketball tournaments, cock fighting, volleyball and everyone is having such a great time, including me. At one point, the Barangay captain of Balaton (our host) walks over to me with this giant fish… I mean this fish was fat, and like 3 ft long (no fish tale here!)!  He does his best to explain to me that he had just caught this fish and that he wanted to give it to me!!  I am not kidding!  So, I try and tell him I just have no idea what I wold do with this 20 pound monster, but he is not deterred and keeps telling me that he is going to give it to me.  Well, I thank him and go on my way.  it was so funny!

But, the icing on the cake has yet to come!  Soon it is time for the nights festivities - which is…. a beauty pageant!   How fun!  I am given a special seat next to the mayor and his family right in front just behind the judges.  I am introduced to the audience of around 500 very ceremoniously as a Peace Corps representative and I had so much fun watching the event!  I mean talk about soaking in culture!!!  It was an experience of a lifetime!!  There are eleven contestants and this is narrowed to five and everyone in the crowd is having such a great time and once the competitions are complete  and they tally up winner, guess who gets asked to crown Miss Lagonoy???  Yep, that would be me!!  What an honor!!!  Miss Lagonoy was stunningly beautiful I might add and was my pick to win from the very first (which I took some pride in telling anyone who would listen).  

After the pageant, it is party time again.…. By now its about midnight and the area is quickly turned into a club scene, albeit outdoors, and the music starts thumping and the dancing starts!  Suddenly, we are surrounded by transvestites!  They are everywhere!  And a crazy thing happens - They start dancing with the guys and the guys dont mind at all… I mean not slow dancing, serious dancing nonetheless…. I danced with a few of these hotties I am proud to say and would add that it was so much fun and just so funny at the same time - I mean really really funny!  Everyone was having such a blast!!

So, around 3 I figure I had to head back up to my spot on the floor and once I get there, who shows up?  The man with the fish!!!  And it is cooked and we call the guys in and have a feast on what I have to say was the tastiest fish I have ever eaten.  I was told by some of my friends there that this fish is known to be the tastiest fish in the ocean… and it was.. and it was just so great and the man who gave me the fish was just so proud to have done it!   Just perfect!  This was the highlight of my experience!!  I ended up crashing at around 4 completely satiated and when I was awoken at 5 by my team leader, the music was still in full swing.  We needed to head out, via boat for the return trip and had to make an early departure.  

As you can imagine, I was pretty tired and a little hungover for the rest of the day!  So, that was my experience and I can say that out of it, I have so much to reflect on, I could fill blog after blog.. which I hope to do!

Tomorrow, I awake at 5 so that I can be an honorary judge of a cooking contest happening in my barangay tomorrow.  And then guess what??  Another pageant is tomorrow night, here, in my hometown!!!  


  1. Once again I am amazed at your adventures, and once again so interesting and entertaining! Keeping you in my prayers. XO Robin

  2. Beautiful pictures!! Sunny...where was the rain? Glad you had a good time. :)

  3. Dan- only you could be in the middle of such a ? place and have such a wild experience. You are a magnet for this shit!
