Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Flexibility training

Filled out my first monthly Peace Corps progress report.  There was a question that asked me to first consider what my biggest challenges have been thus far and then, how I have worked to overcome them.   Undoubtably, the biggest challenge has been to remain flexible in the face of change.  This goes beyond things like food and living arrangements.  Every day, plans are made and then, plans change.  Perhaps it is cultural.

We were told in training that Filipino's have difficulty in expressing contradiction - I have alluded to this in a previous blog.  They never say, "no, that can't be done".  So this plays out in the workplace in that whenever I make a suggestion or proposal, the answer is always an enthusiastic "Sige!", or "ok!"  But, I find consistently that these agreements rarely lead to action.  For example, I made a suggestion that we hold weekly scheduled meetings to discuss disaster issues and planning.  Everyone that needed to be at these meetings agreed that this was a great idea and I was excited because I saw this as a consistent forum for testing new ideas and we even set a date and time for the next meeting.   Its been 6 weeks and we have never met.  When I ask about the meeting, I am told, "next week!"

Or, maybe we are planning to go somewhere.  And then we never go.  Or, like yesterday... it was 1:30 and I was told that we needed to go to Naga.  I asked when.  Now!  So, I had to drop what I was doing and head to Naga.

I find that my biggest ally during these times is definitely my sense of humor combined with the cultural awareness I have learned over the years.  This, and living for two years in the Caribbean working for the Peace Corps!!!!

Tomorrow morning we head to San Ecidro to the festival - we'll be 'camping' again!  In fact, it seems as if I will be traveling in a motorcycle side car (german style) for the 2 hour trip to the northern port town.  This will be all well and good, assuming it isn't raining.  If it is.... well....  I will have to remember to be flexible, I am sure!  I'll be leaving my computer behind but will be bringing my camera.  Stay tuned... Im guessing there is a beauty contest in my future!

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