Friday, February 6, 2015

the bell tolls for thee

So, there is a tradition at the office of the Peace Corps in the Philippines.  Whenever a volunteer is ready to leave the building for the last time, the guard rings a bell over and over.  The bell announces to all staff that they should convene in the lobby to say goodbye.  Once gathered, obligatory photos are taken. And then, the moment of truth: the Volunteer speech.

With heart in my throat, I told the team how much I appreciated my service in the Philippines and also of the service of the assembled team to me.

To those of you who do not know, for the past 53 years, all volunteers heading into service are asked to work to achieve three goals:

1)  To bring needed skills and abilities to the host agency they are serving,
2)  Through positive example, teach the host culture a little about what it means to be an American,
3)  Through whatever means, teach fellow americans a little bit more about the culture you have embraced.

I told the group that in my mind there was a fourth goal I worked to honor, namely

4)  Through my experience, I wanted to learn more about myself, and in doing so, make myself a better person.

They were pleased, having never heard of the 4th goal before today!

I feel that through my actions, I achieved the first three goals.  I am a poor judge of the fourth and  understand that it will be my actions in the future that demonstrate the final proof of this achievement.  I'm ready to take that challenge.

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