Tuesday, February 3, 2015

some random last thoughts as I move on

  • when all you have for dinner is a can of sardines and cabbage salad, a can of sardines and cabbage salad can taste pretty darned good.
  • Solitude must be embraced to be enjoyed.  Otherwise it can cause madness.
  • Love is the most important thing that there is in the world.
  • I'm not the first to come up with this, but I have learned that poverty is only a state of mind.
  • The filipino culture is, beyond doubt, the most beautiful culture I have yet to come across in my world travels. 
  • Filipino’s are flawed.
  • I am powerful beyond measure because God lives in me! (I’m still working on this, but it deserves mention!)
  • There are certain things I will not eat, no matter what.
  • There is no glamour in prostitution.  It is a horrible, deplorable and ugly business indeed.
  • Waiting doesn't have to be painful if you open your eyes, look around you and speak to your neighbor.  That being said, those long bus rides were brutal.
  • The satisfaction of cultural immersion, without the knowledge of local tongue, is frustratingly incomplete.
  • As far as Im concerned, here in the Philippines, country living beats city living in nearly every possible way.
  • Hot water and toilet paper are over-rated.  That being said, it will be nice to take hot showers again!
  • I can now say that I have seen and felt the jungle.  I prefer the desert.
  • In the scheme of things, six months is a drop in the bucket.
  • I’ve been reminded once again in my life that the best way to remain young at heart is to hang around children.
  • As much as I will miss Lagonoy, I will surely NOT miss the following:
    • dogs barking incessantly outside my window
    • sleeping with the “no see um” ant critters in my bed
    • not so much the bite, but the deafening whine of the mosquito above my head, screaming irritation in oh so many many ways
    • humidity and rain, mold and mildew
    • unknown animals who have a nightly square dance on the flip side of my ceiling tile
    • intermittent internet access

What will I miss the most?  Easy picking

 I will miss the sincerity, the authentic smiles and the joy that I’ve been privileged to participate in every single day I’ve lived in the Philippines!  

I will miss my friends

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