Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Door to Door

My last day in Lagonoy was just so great!  I had a chance to see all my co-workers during the day, I had the opportunity to share some beautiful conversation to say some things I needed to say, and then at 6p, they threw a giant party for me on the rooftop under the light of a full moon!  Carlos "cooked"my favorite dish...  kini law (a filipino sushi) and some other wonderful things as well... My good friend Margie made this delicious fried pepper dish that was utterly delicious!  It wouldn't be a party without singing, so of course they lugged a videoke machine up there and I got to sing all of my favorites...  Wonderful Tonight, The Boxer, Zombie, and some Beatles songs.  But then of course, a special request...  "Daniel" by Elton John.  I tell you, I was a lark!  And then the dancing started!  Yeah...  a good wrap up to a most excellent experience.

Packed all my stuff beforehand so I'd be ready for a quick departure.  Choy was pleased to receive his bounty!  Then, I awoke at 4:30 and dragged my belongings to the bus station.  And here I am tonight... at my favorite Pension in Manila!  Oh, you were wondering how long the trip took, eh?  Well, lets see if you can guess....  roughly 280 miles...  by bus....   hmmmm....    would you believe that door to door it took just about 15 hours?!  Very close to unbearable, no way to sugarcoat it folks....  15 hours.... 3 stops for food, a breakdown (again belt replacements on the side of the road, yes mechanic and supplies on board), 5 (!) full length movies...  I shouldn't complain though... at least the bus had air con and my seat wasn't right on top of the engine like in Palawan!

Anyway, Im exhausted.  as Im typing this I am eating a gourmet tuna salad sandwich (yeah, a little hungry I am because there was no way I was going to risk that roadside "food").   It will be no trouble finding slumber tonight along with the other 9 men in my bunk dorm room.  Tomorrow its off to the Peace Corps office to begin the mountain of paperwork required for proper exit.  In all fairness, I am looking forward to it... I like these people a lot... these Peace Corps folk... them and the friends they serve here in the Philippines!

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