Saturday, February 7, 2015

a true friend is hard to come by

So, I can't leave here without acknowledging my best friend during this whole adventure, Tony Fuerillo.  All the DJs at the radio station have nicknames that they go by when they are on air... Tony's is 'Mr. Romantico'.  He gets this title from two distinct qualities he possesses.  One, he is a great singer and has a penchant for crooning oh so romantic love songs over the airwaves to his lovely wife. Second, he has the most remarkable speaking voice.  I'm not sure how he sounds in Bicol, but in English his voice has a style about it... soft, smooth and precise.  His voice sounds like no other and his command of the English language is perfect.

Tony cares.  He's the kind of guy who will text you to make sure you got home safe at night and he will text you in the morning to make sure you are feeling well.  I guess you could say that Tony took me under his wing.  He introduced me to his family, and knew before I did, that I would become close friends with his beautiful daughter Rose Ann, who began working at the municipal building recently.  He owns a lovely piece of land and on a few occasions we would have a party there with Tony being the perfect host, making sure we had enough food and water, sacrificing his own enjoyment for the love of his barkada.  Well, thats not really fair, because I happen to know that he very much enjoyed that role - making sure that we were happy in his homespace.

Anyway, a shout out to you, my friend, because I know you read my blog.  We have sung together, laughed together, joked together.  Anyway, an all out stand up kind of guy.  I wish you all the very best and see your future filled with the kind of prosperity you seek.

I know I am a richer man having met you!


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