Monday, August 4, 2014

regarding access...

Ok... now that the party is over things are starting get real....   First off, thanks again for everyone who showed up and brought food and beverage and warm hugs!   I was in "party mode" then and its only now that things are beginning to sink in....  Wow... I am not going to see you folks for a while!   Well, I always was a little slow to the draw! So consequently, I'm a little sad today.

What you see here are the piles of belongings that I will be taking with me.  I don't think I have everything.  I need to go out and get some rope for sure...   and I'm thinking I want to get a fanny pack.  A new toothbrush is probably a good idea.  

People were asking what I will miss most..... and I think I have a good prediction: access.  While this is stating the obvious, we live in such an amazing place where almost everything you might want to use, wear, watch, eat, hear, read.... its just a short way away.  When you go to the more remote regions of the globe this access is lost - Or at least it appears to be lost for a while.   We crave things and miss them when we live abroad and this causes the longing.   "Oh, I wish I had some chocolate....  Gee, what I would to for a PBJ right now!  I just want to see a MOVIE!"  The funny thing is, the quicker you acclimate to your culture and your surrounding, the less these longings weigh on you.   You just have to let go.... and let the flow carry you... and be confident on your ability to adapt to change.  I also find that it helps to stay on the lookout for, for lack of a better term, beauty.  And Im not just talking about 'big' beauty - the culture, the landscape, etc.  Little beauty works just as well.  things like ice - ice can be a beautiful thing if you haven't seen it awhile!  Or, maybe its the cacophony of the street you are walking down...  Or, the way that the bus arrives just as you make it to the bus stop... beauty, plain and simple!

In reading over the packing recommendations I think, for me, the most useful one so far has been, don't overpack, but remember to bring things that can allow you to improvise solutions.... things like, extension cords, rope, bungie cords...   Ive got to get to it and well, this is got to be pretty boring, so I just stop right there.

Until next time!

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