Friday, August 29, 2014

My new culture

A bit more on Philippine culture... So, as i was saying in my last post, filipino's are in general very community oriented. This displays itself in many ways.  Ive already talked about the kasama, so thats one thing.  There is also a very keen attention to family here.   After children are grown it is really rather expected that the kids will bring their parents into their home.   Strong family ties to the community.  In fact, moving into a different village after your grown is rather unheard of...  it might even arouse suspicion or at least 'chika chika'  (gossip).  Like in the manner of, 'what did s/he do that got him/her kicked out of the village in which their family resides'?  Of course, this only applies to villages.  If someone breaks out of village life and goes to Manila, Saudi Arabia or the US, they are treated as heroes!  Of course, upon moving they will send a large portion of their income back to their family in the village however.  This is common.

Filipino's have little reservation regarding homosexuality either, which is interesting.  There are two men who work in the mayors office who are flaming homo's and there is no prejudice toward them at all it seems.  In fact, they laugh and say, "I am a man by day, but a lady at night!"  Another thing... it is common for men to walk hand in hand.... and for women to walk arm in arm.  Now, this has nothing to do with homosexuality, but more about the communal nature spoken about above.

Ok.. here is something that is taking a bit of getting used to.... Yes, they fork and spoon, no chop sticks...  but the primary utensil used for eating is the spoon, not fork.  you sort of use the fork to push the food into the spoon and eat it that way.. even meat.  I am struggling a bit with that.

Also, in previous posts I commented on all the morning sounds.. .the roosters in particular.  Well, I've lived in the 3rd world before so I know rooster sounds... but this is off the charts.  Well, I was drinking the other night with a few men in down the street and they told me all about the filipino national pastime..... Cock-fighting!!!  Well, it seems that there are so many roosters crowing because their are oh so many roosters!!!  Lots of people have cock farms (imagine!)  They raise these cocks and treat them very well, each cock has his own little cock house and they are fed vitamin enhanced food etc.  A good life!  Until the night of the fight!  Then, it a deathmatch royale!  My friends told me that I needed to see a good cock fight before I left the Philippines, so I guess thats in the cards at some point!

Oh, one last thing!!!  I got a fridge delivered last night!!!!   Hurray!!!!   Of course, it was announced today (truck driving down the street) that the power will be out for 12 hours again tomorrow so I can't put anything actually IN the fridge, but its just nice to know I have one!!  :)and someone was on the roof today apparently fixing something so maybe it won't rain in my room tonight!!!  Life is Good!  

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