Wednesday, July 30, 2014

t minus one week, more or less

So, I've got one week and 2 days to go before my adventure begins.  What am I doing?  What do my preparation activities consist of?  Hmmmm....  Well, basically, I'm just trying to enjoy the things that I know I will be missing when I leave the US for the Philippines next Friday, August 8.

I've never been one to spend too much time in pre-trip planning mode, so just imagine that next Thursday night is going to be rather busy!  Suffice to say, I'm not much past the "thinking about it" stage.  I do have a nice packing list that has been put together by former PCVs in the Philippines, so that should help.  Oh, and I started a blog today!

In terms of blog themes, I'm thinking that the following threads will be fruitful as I move forward in this new direction.

  • Contrasting my previous cross cultural immersions with this one.
  • Contrasting my previous Peace Corps experience with this one.
  • Examining my surroundings in my new home.
  • Describing my daily interactions with the folks I meet.
  • Exploring my emotions regarding the adventure.
  • Work stuff.
So, stay tuned!  Im excited.